Adolf Strümpell Preis 2022

wurde im Zuge des Tom Wahlig Symposiums an Dr. Martin Regensburger überreicht.

Im Zuge des Symposiums der Tom Wahlig Stiftung wurde der Adolf Strümpell Preis 2022 heute an Herrn Dr. Martin Regensburger für seine Studie: ”Inertial Gait Sensors to Measure Mobility an Functioning in Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia” von unsrem Obmann Dr. Gerald Fischer überreicht.

This year we called for the second time for applications for the Adolf-Struempell-Prize aiming to award outstanding achievements in the complex field of symptomatic and causal therapy of HSP. We are happy to announce that the international expert jury decided to award the Adolf-Struempell-Prize 2022 to

Dr. Martin Regensburger from Erlangen/Germany
for his paper entitled:” Inertial Gait Sensors to Measure Mobility and Functioning in Hereditary
Spastic Paraplegia - A Cross-sectional Multicenter Clinical Study,” Neurology.

The work Dr. Regensburger and colleagues investigates the potential of instrumented gait analysis
for objectively quantifying impaired gait in a cohort of 112 ambulatory patients with HSP, during
regular visits in 3 outpatient centers. The presented wearable sensor system provides parameters of
stride characteristics appearing clinically valid to reflect gait impairment in HSP. This study provides a
strongly needed basis for future interventional studies in HSP.

Dr. Regensburger will receive the Adolf-Struempell-Prize 2022 at the Tom-Wahlig-Symposium in